Siemens Definition 128 (Dual Source)

Siemens Definition 128 (Dual Source)

* Starting at $245,000


Dual Source technology of this 2008 Definition 128 is the key to accelerating CT imaging. The combination of two sources, a high table feed, ultra-fast data transmission, and a gantry that can perform a full rotation in 0.28 seconds makes the SOMATOM® Definition Flash truly unrivaled when it comes to scanning speed. Its temporal resolution of 75 ms comes with no sacrifices in image quality – instead, it offers remarkable benefits not only for the most dose-sensitive patients: With the Flash Spiral, dose values under 1 mSv are so frequent that they can be considered routine.

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Gantry aperture: Up to 80cm
Output: 60kw
Range: 28 to 665mA
Reconstruction matrices: 512x512

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Siemens Definition 128 (Dual Source)
  • Applications Training
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