Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T

Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T

* Starting at $133,650


The Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T MRI machine is an ultra-short, ultra-wide-bore system with adjustable lighting and ventilation features designed to ease patient anxiety without sacrificing performance. Powered by Atlas, the Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T MRI system delivers high-resolution images across the entire body with faster imaging times.

Each used Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T MRI system features an integrated coil concept that allows for multiple examinations without repositioning the patient. Purchasing a Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T MRI machine will enable comfortable exams and enhanced clinical workflow.

Refurbished Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T Features

  • Ability to image 80% of the body feet first
  • Largest available clinical FOV at 55 x 55 x 50cm
  • Integrated coil concept
  • Lighting and ventilation throughout the bore
  • Equipped with Pianissimo technology to eliminate acoustic noise
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Toshiba Excelart Vantage 1.5T
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