Siemens SOMATOM Emotion 6 mobile

Siemens SOMATOM Emotion 6 mobile

* Starting at $37,700

Siemens SOMATOM Emotion 6 mobile CT scanner is the 6-slice configuration of the widely popular and used Siemens SOMATON line of scanners. With the Emotion 6, nevertheless, you can expect great versatility and high performance, from exam set-up to image acquisition and processing.

The SOMATOM Emotion 6 mobile CT scanner remains ideal for most routine scanning procedures with its fast processing speeds and easy-to-operate features, capable of thin slice scanning to .5mm with rotation times as quick as 600 ms.

One of the most attractive features of this Siemens mobile CT scanner is its CARE Dose 4D system that reduces patient dose by up to 68 percent.

The SOMATOM Emotion 6 is among the more advanced low-slice-count CT scanners for image quality and speed. It can perform well in a high-volume facility. Additionally, the SOMATOM brand is known for its high-quality images, and we believe the Emotion 6 is one of the more elite units in the low-slice CT scanner market.
Product features:
  • Syngo user interface enhances lung and cardiac care
  • Easy to use and operate
  • Ideal for image-guided interventions
  • Equipped with an air-cooled, high-speed patient gantry
  • Fast 3D-processing tools
  • Includes the SureView™ multislice image reconstruction system
  • Reduced patient radiation exposure
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Siemens SOMATOM Emotion 6 mobile
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