Philips Ingenuity CT

Philips Ingenuity CT

* Starting at $223,000


The Philips Ingenuity Core CT scanner offers low-dose, high-quality imaging and coverage, and the ability to personalize image quality patient by patient. In addition, it offers in-room upgradability so its capabilities can grow as your needs grow. Key benefits of the system include confidence and consistency, high image quality with reduced artifacts, and industry-leading low-contrast resolution. The system comes in both 64 and 128 slice (Ingenuity Core 128) configurations.

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Gantry aperture: 70cm
Heat storage with AIR Tube cooling: MRC Ice (30MHU eff.) Output
Range: 20 to 667 (1mA steps)
Max load capacity: 204 (295 optional)
Reconstruction matrices: 1,024x1,024

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Philips Ingenuity CT
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