Philips Panorama 1.0T
* Starting at $290,000
The refurbished 2008 Philips Panorama 1.0T MRI machine is an open MR imaging system with a unique 360-degree panoramic viewing angle and 160 cm-wide patient aperture. The open design is for increased patient comfort, particularly for those with claustrophobic issues.
Field Strength: | 1.0T |
Configuration: | Vertical Field Open MRI post design |
Synchronization: | Respiratory Gating, ECG/Peripheral Optional/Yes |
Imaging modes: | Multi-Stack 3D, Multi-Chunk 3D, SIMEX, Dynamic, Volume Study, Multi-Slice, Single |
FOV: | 0.4cm - 42cm |
Magnet type: | Superconducting |
Bore diameter: | Open x 47 cm x infinite (side-first patient entry) |
Power requirements: | 400/480V |
Cooling system: | Liquid Helium |
Strength: | 20 mT/m; |
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