Philips Intera 3.0T

Philips Intera 3.0T

* Starting at $282,150

A refurbished 2008 Philips Intera 3.0T is a cost-effective MRI machine that includes some of the high-end comfort and efficiency features found on more expensive MRI scanners.


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Field Strength: 3.0T
Configuration: Short Bore Compact
Synchronization: Respiratory Gating, ECG/Peripheral Optional/Yes
Imaging modes: Multi-Stack 3D, Multi-Chung 3D, 3D, Multi-Slice 2D, Multi Single-Slice 2D, Single-Slice 2D
FOV: Max 53cm
Magnet type: Superconducting
Bore diameter: 60 x 60cm
Magnet weight: 5500 kg
Dimension: 240 x 188 x 157 cm
Power requirements: 380/400V
Cryogen Use: 0.07 L/hr liquid He
Strength: 30 (Master) mT/m
5 Guass Fringe Field: 3.0m/5.2m

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Philips Intera 3.0T
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