Philips Panorama 0.23T

Philips Panorama 0.23T

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2003 Philips' Panorama 0.23 T I/T supports MR-guided interventions, resulting in minimally invasive procedures, more targeted surgery, reduced recovery time and shorter hospital stays. Optional OptoGuide functionality enables real-time needle tracking.

PrizMed Imaging Philips Panorama .23T MRI machine review:

This is a solid open MRI system that has a low price and is less expensive to maintain than other MRI systems. It’s cooling method and ability to power-down saves in long-term expenses, making this an excellent system for the budget-conscious buyer.

The Panorama .23 MRI is ideal for general imaging centers as well as spinal and orthopedic clinics.


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Field Strength: 0.23T
Configuration: Open MRI/C-arm
Synchronization: Respiratory Gating, ECG/Peripheral Optional
Imaging modes: Multi-Stack 3D, Multi-Chunk 3D, SIMEX, Dynamic, Volume Study, Multi-Slice, Single
FOV: 0.4mm
Magnet type: Resistive/Iron Core
Bore diameter: Open x 46 cm x infinite (side-first patient entry)
Magnet weight: 13 110 kg
Dimension: 196 x 121 x 176 cm
Power requirements: 400/480V
Cooling system: Closed-Loop Chilled Water
Strength: 19 mT/m
5 Guass Fringe Field: 2.4m/3.7m

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Philips Panorama 0.23T
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